What is BABIT all about?

B.A.B.I.T. (boys are back in town) was formed following the tragic death of Ron Martin to suicide on Valentine’s Day 2003.  Depression takes no prisoners and all the love and support of his family and friends was simply not enough to prevent this awful tragedy. We, his family and friends believed that this great loss of life was preventable and found strength in the days that followed to decide to do something positive for the memory of Ron.

Through his family and friends’ connection with dance, an idea to do a dance show involving his male family and friends was discussed. Kay Harding a former professional dancer and former owner of The Runneymede School of Dance agreed to put together and choreograph “a dance show with a difference”…… BABIT was born!

Basically all the girls are trained dancers but the boys are definitely not! In fact some of the boys just weren’t born to dance at all. However, we completed four performances at the Magna Carta Theatre in October 2003 and because of the success and enjoyment of doing the show, we decided we would have to do it all again.

So we performed an 'all new' second show in October 2005 and to date we have given £30,000 to various lesser known charities and worthy causes. Our principle charity is Charlie Waller Memorial Trust (CWMT) a charity which works to increase awareness of the signs and dangers of depression. We have also made donations to ‘Children’s Liver Disease Foundation’ (CLDF), ‘Cherry Trees’, a respite home for children with special needs and some other worthy causes.

As well as CWMT, our 2007 show will be raising funds and awareness for SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society). In the UK, 17 babies a day are stillborn or die within the first twenty eight days of life: a devastating bereavement for the parents and for their families and friends. SANDS offer support and information to parents and families whose baby has died.


You will have never seen the Nutcracker or Swan Lake performed the ‘BABIT’ way nor will you have seen musicals, tap, ballroom or disco fever performed quite like we do it but you will be guaranteed to laugh and be thoroughly entertained whilst helping us to raise much needed funds for these lesser known charities.

See you at the 2009 show!